Flow Coefficient calculator, Cv or Kv, for liquids


Calculate Parameter Value unit
Flow Coefficient
( ):
Specific Gravity: Icono Calculadora
Pressure Drop:


Metric Units:
The flow factor, or flow coefficient of a valve shows the relationship between the pressure drop and the flow rate. Kv is the flow coefficient in metric units, and can be calculated with the following equation:
Kv Equation
    KV: Flow factor (m3·h-1·bar-0.5)
    Q: Flow rate (m3/h)
    SG: Specific Gravity of the liquid (dimensionless). For water SG=1
    ΔP: Pressure drop - difference between inlet and outlet pressure - (bar)
Imperial units:
In imperial units the flow coefficient is called CV:
Cv Equation
    CV: Flow coefficient
    Q: Flow rate (US gallons per minute)
    SG: Specific Gravity of the liquid (dimensionless). For water SG=1
    ΔP: Pressure drop - difference between inlet and outlet pressure - (psi)
